BioUniversal® Project


 For man to become a Universal Human Being

Universal Human Being

The only Project of the present for the future of man.

This new universal knowledge is available for all who wish to investigate, prove and develop it.

The bearers of this Project have all the codes, methods and practices necessary for converting man into a Universal Human Being.

The Universal Human Being of the future needs you to set the foundations for his arrival.


 BioUniversal Org

Non-profit Organazation NPO

♦ The Universe is “one” and “one” is the Universe

Man must constitute himself into a Universal Human Being; otherwise he shall be extinguished on account of his instincts. 

Man has a glorious destiny ahead awaiting for him, if he decides he really wants it. He is born physically without wings, but his soul, his body, is the most beautiful bird of transparent, airy, light and powerful wings, for him to sail the airs into space, to rise up and reach the maximum infinite universal heights.

We should not remain a belief, an assumption, and a habit. We must be a result of the superior intelligence, of reason and understanding of the soul. The ultimate nucleus, from which we broke away from one day, is awaiting for us to initiate the journey back to where we belong. We broke away to go out, to travel, to conquer space, understand and know the universe. We are original universal natural energy, a beam of energy, from which we should not stray, we must maintain our nature. It is necessary that we understand, that we integrate ourselves to the nucleus to which we belong, a part of the generation of the Supreme nucleus.

We must not succumb to hatred, to ignorance, to beliefs, to religions, to fear, to racism, to vanity, to greed, to sectarianism, to selfishness. These habits, these beliefs, should be disposed of. All these things we should bury in the past, for man to develop into an infinitely transcendant Universal Human Being and become Humanity.

The day that man does not fight or compete for material goods, the day that man does not need money to give his heart and his soul, the day that man does not belong to sects and religions, the day that man is no longer afraid, that day he will be free, that day man shall start to understand his significance and universal reason, that day he will start to become one.

Let`s accept one another, let us love, love everyone and everything in the universe. The universe is one and one is the universe. Do not fight against it; it does not fight against us.

Give yourself this opportunity and offer this opportunity to others.

The day man becomes Human we shall be Humanity.

BioUniversal Org